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Моника Улиханян ID: 15484346
Слово пацана. Кровь на асфальте
Слово пацана. Кровь на асфальте I really liked. Watched 4 episodes so far. What can I say? The series is very colorful, with well-chosen costumes and characters. The music of those years adds a special atmosphere. I warn you that the series is very violent, a lot of blood ... The heroes make elections, and then there’s… 6 декабря 2023 14:28
Титаник Titanic, for me, this is one of the best movies of all time, perfectly perfect from beginning to end. He is able to create an atmosphere through his rhythm and the constant narrative that keeps you inside the story. It takes you into the world of every character, both primary and secondary, and… 30 ноября 2023 08:48
Лёд It’s a great Russian melodrama. They can do it whenever they want!! The story is about a girl who dreamed of being a figure skater, but unfortunately had no talent. Only tenacity and hard work the girl has achieved good results. And then she was waiting for a very difficult trauma of the… 15 ноября 2023 11:13
Будка поцелуев
Будка поцелуев I saw the movie "Kissing Booth" on the advice of a friend who immediately warned me it was a teenage movie. The film is fresh - 2018 release year, filmed by the British. The story follows: the main character El is in high school, she is cute and friendly, but she has no boyfriend and has… 15 ноября 2023 10:42
В метре друг от друга
В метре друг от друга The melodrama was very interesting, with a good idea and presentation. The actors were picked up well, and I was happy to see them again in the frame of Moises Arias. Romantic dramas about diseases always appear heavier and sadder, like the quarter. And this was not an exception. But there was… 13 ноября 2023 10:57
Виноваты звезды
Виноваты звезды I don’t see anything special about making movies about sick people and collecting ovations and prizes. It is a natural process, though painful and painful. But only many directors and writers use it. . I understand making a picture of a sick person recovering like a motivational film, or of a sick… 10 ноября 2023 13:52
Плакса I want to add a review of the series "Плакса" and express my reaction to it. The show leaves an ambiguous impression. Frankly, I wouldn’t say I liked that there was so much negativity on the show, especially in school life. One of the main aspects that has disappointed me is the lack of… 8 ноября 2023 18:40
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