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The Criminal and the Lady
Zbrodniarz i panna

The Criminal and the Lady, 1963

1963 / Poland
6.5 Rate
10 votes IMDb Rating: 6.5
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Young Małgorzata leads a very boring life as a cashier. One day a robber riddles her bank car with bullets, kills the driver and two security guards and takes the money. The police finds out that the stolen banknotes are being spent at a fashionable spa resort. The only way to find the criminal is to favor Małgorzata with a seaside holiday in the company of a handsome Captain as her brother.
Runtime 1 hour 20 minutes
Production year 1963
Age 18+
Cast and Crew

Film rating

Rate 10 votes
6.5 IMDb
Showtimes Currently, the movie is not shown in the cinema, but we can send you a message when this movie appears again at the box office
2024, Russia, Family, Adventure, Documentary
2024, USA, Action
2024, Russia, Action, Adventure
2024, Russia, Adventure, Family, Sci-Fi
2024, Romania / USA, Horror
2023, Italy, Animation
2024, Canada / South Africa / USA, Animation, Comedy
2024, USA, Adventure, Animation, Comedy
2024, Great Britain, Horror
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