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Razvod po raschetu (2023 - …)

Razvod po raschetu 18+
Production year 2023
Country Russia
Total seasons 1 season
Episode duration 24 minutes
Runtime 5 hours 12 minutes

TV series description

The heroes of the Russian comedy series "Razvod po raschetu" are the happy couple Ekaterina and Stepan. They love each other and are raising their children together, but they have one serious problem - a lack of square meters. One day, Katya learns that the company they both work for is willing to provide apartments to their female employees who are single mothers. In order to finally move out from their mother-in-law's place, the spouses decide to embark on an adventure. They file for a fake divorce. But how can they convince their colleagues that they are really splitting up?

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Season 1
TBA, 13 episodes
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