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Camping poster
Camping poster
4.4 IMDb Rating: 5.1
2 posters

Camping (2018 - 2018)

Camping 18+
Production year 2018
Country USA
Total seasons 1 season
Episode duration 30 minutes
TV channel HBO
Runtime 4 hours 0 minute

TV series description

"Camping" is an American comedy series that airs on HBO. The premiere of the first episode took place in 2014. Despite its star-studded cast, the show was canceled after the first season. The story revolves around Walt, a 45-year-old head of the family, who decides to celebrate his birthday in the great outdoors with his loved ones and friends. However, things don't go exactly according to plan: the guests, who seem to have little knowledge of nature, cause a lot of trouble. Adding to the overall atmosphere is Walt himself, who is not at all keen on celebrating his birthday somewhere in the wilderness.
Кемпинг - trailer первого сезона
Camping  trailer первого сезона

Series rating

Rate 10 votes
5.1 IMDb
Camping - Season 1 Season 1
2018, 8 episodes
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