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Kupidony (2024 - 2024)

Kupidony 18+
Production year 2024
Country Russia
Total seasons 1 season
Episode duration 50 minutes
TV channel Россия 1
Runtime 3 hours 20 minutes

TV series description

Three generations of the Davydov family live in the old apartment: Anna Konstantinovna, her daughter Mariya and granddaughter Sasha. Sasha is in love with the star of the basketball team, Gosha, but does not find the strength to get to know him, so Gosha does not even know about her existence. Mom and grandma decide to intervene and devise a special plan to bring them together. According to their idea, young people should have time to get to know each other when they are stuck together in an elevator. And soon the Davydovs decide to create the company Cupids LLC, which will organize "casual" meetings and help timid and unhappy people like Sasha find love.

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Kupidony - Season 1 Season 1
2024, 4 episodes
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