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Trollhunters poster
Trollhunters poster
7.6 IMDb Rating: 8.4
2 posters

Trollhunters (2016 - 2018)

Trollhunters 18+
Production year 2016
Country USA
Total seasons 3 seasons
Episode duration 30 minutes
Streaming service Netflix
Runtime 26 hours 0 minute
TV series description
"Trollhunters" is an adventure animated series created by Guillermo del Toro. The story revolves around teenagers who discover the existence of magical creatures right beneath the town of Arcadia. The main character, Jim, becomes the first human in history chosen to be a trollhunter. With the help of Merlin's amulet, he can instantly transform into magical armor. Together with his friends, he must save both the good magical beings and ordinary people from the forces of evil. This animated series is one of three set in the universe envisioned by del Toro.
Series rating
Rate 10 votes
8.4 IMDb
Trollhunters - Season 1 Season 1
2016, 26 episodes
Trollhunters - Season 2 Season 2
2017, 13 episodes
Trollhunters - Season 3 Season 3
2018, 13 episodes
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