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Skam France (2018 - 2023)

Skam France 18+
Production year 2018
Country France
Total seasons 12 seasons
Episode duration 26 minutes
TV channel France tv slash
Runtime 52 hours 52 minutes

TV series description

The focus is on high school students who live in France and attend classes together at a secondary school. They experience problems familiar to all teenagers in transition: first love, betrayal by friends, the desire to be popular among peers, public criticism, and the difficulties of self-identification. Each season features a different central character, with attention drawn to specific issues related to that particular character. The French adaptation of "Skam" explores the challenges faced by adolescents in a relatable and authentic way.
Marilyn Lima
Marilyn Lima
Cast and Crew

Series rating

Rate 11 votes
8.2 IMDb
Skam France - Emma Emma
2018, 9 episodes
Skam France - Manon Manon
2018, 13 episodes
Skam France - Lucas Lucas
2019, 10 episodes
Skam France - Imane Imane
2019, 10 episodes
Skam France - Arthur Arthur
2020, 10 episodes
Skam France - Lola Lola
2020, 10 episodes
Skam France - Tiff Tiff
2021, 10 episodes
Skam France - Bilal Bilal
2021, 10 episodes
Skam France - Maya Maya
2022, 10 episodes
Skam France - Anaïs Anaïs
2022, 10 episodes
Skam France - Season 11 Season 11
2023, 10 episodes
Skam France - Season 12 Season 12
2023, 10 episodes
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