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Dead to Me poster
Dead to Me poster
7.9 IMDb Rating: 7.9
2 posters

Dead to Me (2019 - 2022)

Dead to Me 18+
Production year 2019
Country USA
Total seasons 3 seasons
Episode duration 30 minutes
Streaming service Netflix
Runtime 15 hours 0 minute
TV series description
"Dead to Me" is an American TV series in the genre of black comedy. The story revolves around a middle-aged woman named Jen, who is trying to recover from the tragic death of her husband. To cope with the stress, she attends a support group for people who have also experienced loss. There, she meets a strange girl named Judy, who seems to be hiding a secret. The two women become friends, and their secrets start to unravel.
Cast Characters
Cast Characters
Cast Characters
Cast and Crew
Series rating
Rate 10 votes
7.9 IMDb
Dead to Me - Season 1 Season 1
2019, 10 episodes
Dead to Me - Season 2 Season 2
2020, 10 episodes
Dead to Me - Season 3 Season 3
2022, 10 episodes
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